Closing Thoughts

Without a doubt, this project has been fun, educational, rewarding, but also incredibly challenging. Particularly in a multidisciplinary team, the covid-19 situation forced us to be inventive and creative in order to facilitate the crucial integration process, as well as the planning of interfaces across (and within) disciplines. Online drawing boards and diagram tools were paramount in ensuring we were all on the same page; words are often interpreted differently by each member, and so being able to visualize and convey your own understanding this way was important. Even then, testing was a challenge throughout the semester, particularly for the mechanical team who depended on the facilities provided by USN.

Overall, we're satisfied with how we handled the situation, and we were in good spirits every morning when we conducted our daily meeting, despite the circumstances. We're incredibly thankful to both Spectac and USN for giving us the opportunity to work on a project like this; Spectac for the problem to solve, the equipment to do so, and the experience and knowledge to aid us on the journey, and USN for shaping us into budding engineers over three years, equipping us to professionally and intelligently handle problems such as Spectac's.

Sprint Events

Even though it doesn't feel like our first presentation was that long ago, we feel we have grown incredibly much since that time, both as a team and individually. We can proudly say that there were no inter team conflicts the entire semester, and we were always able to settle our disagreements rationally (few as they were).

Sprint Events

We, the SPARK team, heartily thank you for taking the time to check our project out!

Below you can find a couple of links that relate to our project.

SPARK website

Spectac website